Certification is the process of obtaining idependant recognition that your business complies with an Australian or International Standard.
The need for certification is commonly driven by a customer requirement. An example of this is that a construction company working for the NSW Government is required to have ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System certification to deliver works over $1 million. Some companies also choose to obtain certification as a marketing edge on their competitors.
For a company to issue recognised third party certification in Australia and New Zealand to ISO9001, AS4801, ISO45001 or ISO14001, they need to hold JAS-ANZ accreditation. You can check a certification bodies accreditation by visiting www.jas-anz.org.
For some government agencies, a slightly different scheme is used for auditing. ACT Government require that their contractors have quality, safety and environmental audits by approved senior auditors on a register that they maintain. J2M Systems Pty Ltd are one of just a handful of companies on this list. The NSW Government require that contractors have their Safety (WHS) Management System certified by an Exemplar Global accredited lead safety auditor. J2M Systems have two consultants who hold this accreditation.
If you are currently considering Certification or Accreditation of your Quality, Safety or Environmental Management system, please feel free to contact us to discuss what you actually need. The requirements are different between each state and the federal government. Many companies that contact us think they need more than they actually do. Dont throw away thousands of dollars on certification that your client does not accept.