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If you are currently prequalified with the NSW Government or looking to get prequalified, J2M Systems have a range of services that can help you in this area. Whether you are just starting out and need documentation that meets the NSW Government WHS Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines 5th Edition or have a system in place that needs to be certified give us a call so we can discuss what you need and issue a no obligation proposal.


For prequalification over $1M, NSW Government require that contractors engage an independent OHS Auditor certified by a JAS-ANZ personnel certifier such as Exemplar Global or equivalent, as a Principal, Lead or Business Improvement OHS Auditor to certify that the contractors system complies with the NSW Government WHS Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines 5th Edition.

For prequalification over $10M and environmental sensitive projects, accreditation to the NSW Government Environmental Guidelines 3rd edition is also required. This is the same process as the WHS accreditation, but is completed against the NSW Government Environmental Guidelines and ISO14001:2004.


This means that as a contractor you need to engage an auditor who holds Exemplar Global accreditation as a Lead OHS Auditor for WHS accreditation and a Lead Environmental Auditor for environmental accreditation. J2M Systems auditors hold current Exemplar Global accreditation as Lead OHS, Environmental and Quality Auditors and hence qualify to provide NSW Government WHS Certification and Environmental Certification. We provide this service as a flat rate fee regardless of whether there is follow up required to address non conformity. Many of our competitors charge for the WHS review and then keep charging to review non conformances they have raised. Watch out for this as your costs could quickly blow out from the original price you thought you were paying. 

Feel free to call us if you need advise in this area. We are always happy to provide obligation free advise to ensure you are making an informed decision about what certification or accreditation needs you have. It is especially important to note the NSW Government do not accept AS4801 safety certification alone, it must be NSW Government Guidelines or Federal Safety Commissioner Accreditation.


Step 1: First you will need to get a copy of the latest version of the NSW Government Work Health and Safety Management System and Auditing Guidelines 5th Edition or NSW Government Environmental Management System Guidelines 3rd edition. These can be accessed from the NSW Government procurement website located here for WHS and here for environment.

Step 2: Read through the NSW 5th Edition WHS guidelines to get an understanding of what it requires. The NSW 5th edition guidelines are very detailed and require a corporate management system as well as a project safety plan and related documents. If you just have a Project WHS Management Plan and some SWMS then you will need to document a Corporate WHS Management System that addresses the requirements of the guidelines. You can do this yourself or if you need help give us a call

Step 3: When you are satisfied your WHS or Environmental Management System is ready, use the NSW Government WHSMS Guidelines 5th edition Appendix A audit checklist or NSW Government Environmental Management Systems Guidelines 3rd edition audit checklist to check you comply

Step 4: You are ready for certification! Call J2M Systems to book in your review. To complete the review we will need you to send us a copy of your management system either electronically via email / drop box or in hard copy depending on what suits you best. We don't require you to fill out the audit checklist for us like other consultants do. That's our job!

​Step 5: Pending successful review, J2M Systems will issue a completed audit report, and certificate for you to include with your tender. The certificate is valid for 3 years as this is the maximum time period the Government allows. 

If you are in a rush for a tender submissions call J2M Systems now. Like you, we understand that time is of the essence and will work quickly to get it booked in and completed fast.


Working for NSW Government

©2024 by J2M Systems Pty Ltd.


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